Help an ex-fundie human trafficking survivor: This single parent + toddler are moving for better healthcare access

Photo: Megan McKinzey Photography We want to help one of our friends reach stability three years after he left an abusive ex-partner with a newborn. In the next month, he needs to relocate to gain better access health care and manage several chronic conditions that often go along with hypermobile Ehler-Danlos Syndrome, which causes frequentContinueContinue reading “Help an ex-fundie human trafficking survivor: This single parent + toddler are moving for better healthcare access”

Still learning to love myself: Through eating disorder recovery

Content note: discussion of eating disorders One year ago, I’d just started a new job, and the first paycheck wouldn’t come for a whole month.  I experienced food insecurity and unstable housing both in college and afterwards. The fear of not making it was so loud in my mind, and a little thought said: “JustContinueContinue reading “Still learning to love myself: Through eating disorder recovery”

A goodbye letter to the Homeschoolers Anonymous community

I left the Homeschoolers Anonymous support group, and here’s why in my last post to everyone.  // // // Just wanted to say you guys have been very helpful in my healing in the four years that I’ve (mostly) been in this group. Thank you for helping and supporting me through my triggers, my nightmaresContinueContinue reading “A goodbye letter to the Homeschoolers Anonymous community”

Help a fundamentalist escapee, human trafficking survivor and single parent get a car + restart life

Some of you probably know about my 19-year-old friend who recently escaped a human trafficking situation back in January.  They are also an escapee from fundamentalism. They are now trying to start her life over with an almost one-year-old baby while going through the legal process of an ongoing law enforcement investigation. I helped themContinueContinue reading “Help a fundamentalist escapee, human trafficking survivor and single parent get a car + restart life”

Unfundamentalist Thoughts: What do Christians mean when they say ‘our joy is not based on this world’?

It only takes a few words to send me back. Certain phrases just set me off. It can be something simple, so common that most average Christians wouldn’t even notice it. But those words meant something else in the fundamentalist cult I grew up in. I go to a not-crazy church now because it’s helpedContinueContinue reading “Unfundamentalist Thoughts: What do Christians mean when they say ‘our joy is not based on this world’?”