Still learning to love myself: Through eating disorder recovery

Content note: discussion of eating disorders One year ago, I’d just started a new job, and the first paycheck wouldn’t come for a whole month.  I experienced food insecurity and unstable housing both in college and afterwards. The fear of not making it was so loud in my mind, and a little thought said: “JustContinueContinue reading “Still learning to love myself: Through eating disorder recovery”

Help a fundamentalist escapee, human trafficking survivor and single parent get a car + restart life

Some of you probably know about my 19-year-old friend who recently escaped a human trafficking situation back in January.  They are also an escapee from fundamentalism. They are now trying to start her life over with an almost one-year-old baby while going through the legal process of an ongoing law enforcement investigation. I helped themContinueContinue reading “Help a fundamentalist escapee, human trafficking survivor and single parent get a car + restart life”

My escape from fundamentalist Christianity: 4 years after I left

Earlier this week, I said I’d be posting memories from my escape from the fundamentalist Christian cult that I grew up in. Today I’m telling it in pictures. May 20, 2012: I’ve just finished three years of college, and this is my last family vacation. We’re in Maine, around Kennebunkport and Camden. I’m not allowed toContinueContinue reading “My escape from fundamentalist Christianity: 4 years after I left”

That one time I chose freedom over soul death

This month marks four years since I escaped the cult. Sometimes it feels like yesterday, sometimes it feels like another lifetime ago. In the spirit of celebrating my independence, I’m posting something from the days when I was first learning to fly, slowly and painfully. This is an email I sent to some friends, afterContinueContinue reading “That one time I chose freedom over soul death”

Embracing Sobriety in Spiritual Practice: Interview with Elizabeth Esther

Photo: Elizabeth Esther Another blogger friend, Sirius Heart, introduced me to Elizabeth Esther’s blog back in 2014. Recently I ran across her top ten signs of a spiritually abusive church YouTube video and I was so, so glad someone finally mentioned the dangers of “independent fundamental” churches like the ones I attended when I was aContinueContinue reading “Embracing Sobriety in Spiritual Practice: Interview with Elizabeth Esther”